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In this page, you can find samples of work I have completed for classes that show my understanding of topics and of the class as a whole. In each category, I included two samples to showcase my skills.


of Coursework

Image by Marvin Meyer
Business Proficiency

Below is my Consumer Behavior midterm presentation where I had to connect the things I learned in class to my own personal experiences. In the Adobe Spark presentation, terms bolded are ones I learned in class and I used my own images to make a connection between those terms and my own experience. I also made sure to involve whoever is reading my presentation so it is more interactive. My professor gave me the highest grade in the class for this assignment. 

The second sample I have attached below is the final group project for my International Marketing class. Though it was a group project, I was still in charge of doing the research for my own part. In this specific project, we had to find a startup company and choose a country where we think this company would succeed in. For my part, I had to research the social, political and socio-cultural environment of the Philippines to show why it would be a great country for this company to enter in. This project earned us an A in the class.

Image by Stéphan Valentin
Linguistic Proficiency

Below is a paper I wrote for my Intermediate Spanish Composition class about the different types of love that exist in our society. In my paper, I talked about the love an individual has for family, for friends and for significant others and in my last two discussion of the types of love, I included an example from either a movie we watched or a story we read in class. Porsiemprejamón was my example for love for friends and Cine y Malabarimso for the love for a partner. 

For the same class as above, I wrote another composition talking about another movie we watched and another story we read in class. This time, both the film and the text had the same theme of the importance of family. In El Sándwich de Mariana, the main lesson we learned is that a family member's action affect another family member's thoughts and behavior. On the other hand, Ni coja ni madre taught us that not having children does not define a woman's value. Though the two are opposite, they emphasized the importance of family.

Public Demonstration

For the final assignment in my Cross-Cultural Communication class, we had to write a paper about everything we've learned in the class and how we can use those lessons to increase our cross-cultural competence in order to enhance our current and future endeavors both in the personal and professional realms. In my paper, I talked about the problems an Immigration Lawyer might face in the workplace and how those problems can be solved based on what I have learned in class.

In my Cross-Cultural Psychology class, we were required to find a documentary or podcast about a cultural practice we find interesting. For my paper, I watched a video about the Honor Killing of Banaz Mahmod. I chose this topic because honor killings are unfortunately common in Middle Eastern cultures but they are rarely talked about today. This assignment helped me learn about a practice that I was not aware about and it taught me that what we might consider in the United States as wrong is seen as normal in other cultures.

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