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In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was unable to travel to Córdoba, Argentina for my Study Abroad program. However, I still wanted the experience of immersing myself in a new culture, which is why I decided to complete this requirement in a completely virtual manner. Read about my experience below!



Before I even started my virtual study abroad program, I knew that I would face some difficulties along the way. The biggest challenge for me in the beginning of my virtual study abroad was having to wake up at 6:15 in the morning to get ready for my 7 a.m. class! Since the program started in late February, daylight savings time hasn’t begun yet which meant that we were 2 hours behind Córdoba, Argentina. Thankfully, this only lasted for about two weeks and when time went back to normal, I was better adjusted to my new schedule. 


The next difficulty I faced was learning to only speak Spanish during class. It was definitely really hard to adjust to at first as I hadn’t taken any intense Spanish classes before but the professors I had were very understanding of the level of Spanish my peers and I were in and they made sure to answer any questions we had regarding the language we were learning.


I would say that the professors in my program have been some of the best ones I have had during my time in college. They taught us a lot about Argentine culture, from traditions to food (especially mate) and even historical events that helped shape the country today. Similarly, we were also able to share our own stories from our own culture with not only our professors but also with each other. I certainly believe that my study abroad experience has taught me more about other cultures than anything else.


Some of my favorite memories from virtual abroad come from Cultural Fridays. Each month, the program dedicates one Friday to learning a fun cultural lesson. Out of the four we did, my favorite one was when we were taught how to dance! Honestly, I am not a very good dancer but our instructor cheered us on the whole time so it made me want to dance more. I do have to say that it was a little bit awkward at first since I was dancing alone in my room in front of a camera but that seems to be the new normal!


In regards to the course load, it was undeniably demanding. We were assigned homework almost every night and we had to complete them by the next class. Some assignments were very easy and fun but some were a little more challenging, but nothing we weren’t able to handle. Virtual study abroad requires a lot of patience and dedication from the student and attendance was key to being successful in the program.


Overall, I had a pleasant experience in Córdoba (or really, just my room)! I met some great classmates who are now friends and professors who I plan to visit one day when I am able to travel to Argentina!

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